That's right, after a 10 year absence from the Big Mac, Filet O Fish, Quarter Pounder, French Fry (you know the rest of it) I'm back. I worked at McDonald's over 10 years ago and haven't missed a day of it, but starting tomorrow I'll be employed by them once again, except this time they've got me doing maintenance instead of flipping burgers. I'm quite excited about this because I will be working in air conditioning, something I haven't done in 10 years, and I'll have an unlimited supply of chicken nuggets. Amen!!
Just to fill you in I finished my first week of elevate. It was fun I guess. A little overwhelming with all the reading we have to do but I got a head start on that. My favorite memory of the week was at the elevate retreat in the middle of nowhere. We had an altar call Saturday night that everyone went down for to get prayed for. As I was sitting on the floor Timmy was praying for this woman and thank goodness Tiffany walked in front of me cause she dropped. She was cool for a second then she dropped again except this time Tiffany couldn't hold her so I jumped out the way just in the nick of time for her to fall right where I was sitting. Nothing like a little Holy Ghost moment to get you off your feet. Thanks for the save Tiffany.
Of all the things this week though the greatest thing had to be our Refuge life group. We talked about decisions and God began to show us that the clearer our vision the easier our decision. I have a clear vision that I am going to do full time ministry one day, so when the opportunity came to do elevate, it was a no brainer. Yeah it was a tuff decision because of what Candace and I would have to give up (apartment, time, finances, etc.) but ultimately the decision was easy because of the vision God has placed in our heart. That night we asked the students what was the vision God had placed in their heart for the '07-'08 school year because the clearer the vision the easier the decision. All 15 guys stood in a circle holding hands and shared what God had placed on their heart and it was a priceless moment. Guys where crying, God was moving. I have never experienced the presence of God in a bible study like that. It was priceless.
I'm done talking cause its getting long. Please continue to pray for Candace and I as we pursue the dreams God has placed in our hearts.