Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Watch out for Abe

I know I've got a big nose, so part of this is my fault, well my parents since I've got there genes, but what did I do to deserve this. I'm just an innocent bystander when Jordan Gautreau throws a penny at my face. It brought me to my knees. I went to my knees for two reasons: 1) So know one would see me crying 2) So I could pray that I wouldn't kill the person that did this. Thanks for the love bro!!!


Misty said...
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Misty said...

haha, is that "blood" fake?

Jason Guidry said...

I thought I'd seen your nose bleeding a little last night. Dang...


JordanGautreau said...

oh yeah, i have mean aim...i guess it's from all those years in ya blake

Jake said...

That ketchup taste good Blake?